Adam Daniel
P.O. Box 400308
Booker House
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4308
As the Vice Provost for Administration and Planning, Adam Daniel is responsible for strategic resource planning, which includes aligning University resources with the academic mission and implementing the academic priorities of the University’s strategic plan.
Full Bio
He shares responsibility with the Vice President for Finance for improving financial planning and budgeting within the Academic Division. He joined the Provost’s team in January 2019.
Adam first arrived at UVA in 1998, serving in a variety of administrative roles in the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences before leaving UVA in 2008 to become Stanford University’s Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration in the School of Humanities and Sciences. As senior business officer, Adam managed an annual budget of $480 million for more than 70 academic programs and 550 faculty. He led major initiatives for Stanford, including planning numerous capital projects and developing innovative systems to better support funds management and academic planning.
He returned to UVA in 2016 as Arts & Sciences’ Senior Associate Dean for Administration and Planning, where he led the College’s implementation of the University’s new financial model.
Adam holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Austin and pursued graduate training in modern European history at the University of Chicago.